Monica Diaz-CampbellWe live with programming and advertising and urban myths that define how we view our lives and fitness options. But we can hack all that. We can be better versions of ourselves, no matter what stage of life we are in or what kind of body or genetics we have. It starts with the mind. And once we flip the script and begin the journey, the sky is the limit.

Joining us is Monica Diaz-Campbell, the co-founder of Fabulously Fit Over 40. She is a mother, successful real estate sales professional, and also an award-winning figure-fitness and bikini champion. She’s the author of Cracking the Fountain of Youth Code: The Complete Women’s Guide to Becoming Sexier, Leaner, Happier and Empowered for Life, and she’s going to share with us how we can be happy, healthy, and the best possible versions of ourselves.